Mexico: Blueberry production grows for fifth year in a row
December 1, 2021

Mexican blueberry production has grown over the last five years, reaching over 50,000 metric tons (MT) in 2020.

The Ministry of Agriculture reported that production increased by almost three percent year on year, according to

In the last 10 years, blueberry production registers an average annual growth rate of over 25 percent.

The producing area was estimated at 4,700 hectares in 2020 with Jalisco accounting for almost 32 percent of the national production value with 23,000MT.

The second and third-largest producing areas were Michoacan and Sinaloa with almost 10,000MT and 8,500MT, respectively.

Mexican blueberry exports totaled $399 million in 2020 and 96 percent of the exported volume went to the U.S. market.

The U.S. is the world's largest importer of blueberries and in 2020 its purchases of the fruit amounted to nearly $1.4 billion.
