Become a Member
Why become a member?
  1. Access to online library of IBO documents
  2. Network opportunities with industry actors
  3. Opportunity to participate in IBO projects
  4. Free monthly Newsletter
  5. Live Stats Access
Membership Opportunities

The IBO is a global organization bringing together leaders from across the blueberry industry including growers, marketers, affiliated businesses, trade associations and governmental organizations.


We invite you to become a member so we all can learn, share, network and boost our understanding, distributing information while addressing common challenges with the goal of finding potential solutions for our great blueberry industry into the future.


Full voting Members are organizations within a country that the IBO recognizes as being best placed to represent the interests of those countries. There shall be a maximum of one member for that country, and each full member shall be entitled to one vote.

Non-voting Marketer Members are commercial entities and industry promoters.

They benefit from:

  • One publication of your company’s profile in the "News from our members" section in the monthly newsletter.
  • Have your company banner feature for three (3) months on the homepage of the IBO website (new members only)
  • Preferential opportunities to participate in IBO projects and events

Non-voting Associate Members are affiliated blueberry companies: growers, exporters and suppliers to the industry.

They benefit from:

  • Access to the online library of IBO documents
  • Network opportunities within the industry actors
  •  Live Stats Access daily
  • Access to the IBO Industry Report 2020 (Americas) and the Global State of the Blueberry Reports
  • Free access to Monthly Newsletter
  • Have your logo featured in our monthly newsletter
  • Brief company description featured in our monthly newsletter (one time publication for new members only)
  • One Social Media Post on all IBO Social Media Accounts (New members and Renewals)

Membership Application and Payment

Fill this information with your company name